KAG Logistics
KAG Logistics Elevates Fuel Management Capabilities

By Mike Forbes
March 18, 2021
Anyone who served in the U.S. Armed Forces and spent time on a U.S. military base is familiar with the Exchange. Back in the day, it was referred to as the Post Exchange (Army) or Base Exchange (Air Force). Today, it provides service members and their families with a range of merchandise and services, including fuel.
Formally known as the Army & Air Force Exchange Service (AAFES), the Exchange is the 61st-largest retailer in the United States. KAG Logistics recently entered into an agreement with the Exchange to manage and coordinate the day-to-day execution of their retail fuel program serving all of their U.S. bases, including Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico and Guam.
The Exchange is one of the first customers to benefit from KAG Logistics’ investment to expand fuel service management capabilities. Over the years KAG Logistics has helped customers optimize supply sourcing and simplify purchasing by securing the right supply, at the right time, from the right place, at the right cost and without incident. These new and enhanced capabilities represent a major opportunity for customers to benefit from the additional value the program can offer.
This new Fuel Management Solution enables a high level of fuel inventory optimization, and is fully integrated with transportation management. It also includes fuel reconciliation for fuel purchases and transportation. We’ve gone further upstream on fuel ordering and are now making better-informed decisions on what to buy, where to source it and when to buy it. The result is a complete, optimized order-to-cash integrated solution.
KAG invests heavily in technology to create a competitive advantage for our customers. Our systems enable us to collect and analyze fuel-related data, providing insights into ways customers can change their processes to improve efficiency and reduce costs. The new fuel management software greatly expands our capabilities while providing enhanced business intelligence for our customers.
Fleet owners, retailers and bulk fuel program operators can rely on KAG Logistics’ deep expertise and extensive experience with the fuel supply chain, technology and business processes as an extension of their own fuel team.
Aside from our excitement at being able to offer this new level of fuel management capabilities to the Exchange, we are also happy to have the opportunity to support servicemen and women and their families.
Fuel retailers, fleet operators and bulk fuel organizations can all benefit from these capabilities. Interested in learning how KAG Logistics can help reduce your fuel costs? Let us run the numbers and estimate how much you can reduce your average per-gallon costs.
The new capabilities developed for the Exchange are a great example of how we continue to invest and expand our services in order to increase the value we deliver and to drive down total cost of ownership to the lowest possible levels. This goes beyond simply reducing costs. We believe our new Fuel Management Solutions can help customers fully transform their fuel programs.

Mike Forbes
EVP Logistics Solutions & Engineering